57 Things I’ve Learned Founding Three Tech Companies



The best start-up article I’ve read in a long time, Jason Goldberg shares 57 lessons he’s learned in being a serial web-entrepreneur.  A couple of my favorites:

Build something you are personally passionate about.  You are your best focus group.”

You’re doing really well if 50% of what you originally planned on doing turns out to actually work.  Follow your users as much as possible.”

Smile.  Laugh.  Wear funny socks. I wear funny socks to remind myself to not settle for boring and to be creative.”

The only thing that matters is how good your product is.  All the rest is noise.”

Have fun every single day.  If it’s not fun, stop doing it.  No one is making you.”

Read the other 52 here.

My favorites:

33. You’re never as right as you think you are.

36. Choose your investors based on who you want to work with, be friends with, and get advice from.

44. Conferences are generally a waste of time.

56. Mature, but don’t grow up.

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