Pardon the Dust, We Are Reorganizing…

Dust, paint, cables, desks…We have been reorganizing our office and getting a few long overdue upgrades to the network infrastructure.

Various projects have been going on for a few weeks now. Office cabling is currently underway. We are hoping that it will all finish within the next two (or so) weeks. Or so we really, fervently, and wholeheartedly hope. :)

Here is today’s story, coming to you via my cell phone camera, Twitpic, and Twitter:

Today at WLP: Cables  cables everywhere...

Today at WLP: Cables cables everywhere...

Pardon the dust, we are rearranging our office. My desk if you can see it...

Pardon the dust, we are rearranging our office. My desk if you can see it...

No place to sit at work. @jenpen3 decides to leave us behind with boxes & paint smell to go on vacation.

No place to sit at work. @jenpen3 decides to leave us behind with boxes & paint smell to go on vacation.

OOffice Reorg: Cables, panduits, & junctions trip us all over. But we are getting Cat6 cable, so eat your heart out

Office Reorg: Cables, panduits, & junctions trip us all over. But we are getting Cat6 cable, so eat your heart out

Cabling project almost done. Cannot wait for reorg to finish ... on Twitpic

Cabling project almost done. Cannot wait for reorg to finish & dust to settle.

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