Celebrate the Women

Today is International Women’s Day. In celebration of the many amazing women (and girls and babies) in all our lives, this round is going to be the “Celebrate the Women” round. The goal is to raise $2,000 by April 30.

So, go ahead…Make your contribution…


Project to Build a Girls School in Afghanistan


How to Give:
By check: Payable to Women’s Learning Partnership.
Mail to: Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), 4343 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 201, Bethesda, MD 20814. Please make a note in your check to designate it for the “Afghanistan Project.”

By Credit Card: Network for Good. Make sure to designate your donation to the “Afghanistan Project.”

WLP prefers checks as it helps them avoid transaction or processing fees.

Oh, I forgot. It is actually “Go ahead…Make your contribution…And write your ode.” You really did not think I will let you off that easily did you? ;-)

This is “Celebrate the Women” round. So, let us know who or what you are celebrating and why. Or you can also share something (a quotation, a poetry piece, etc.) that caught your eye somewhere. Of course, you can also give without having to write about it. :)

There are multiple ways you can post your celebrations and musings. Email me your prose or poetry and I will post it online for you. Or post it directly here using the comment feature at the bottom of this page.

And then? Wait for my next email. In the meanwhile, check the blog (http://nadodi.typepad.com/) frequently for updates. :)

International Women’s Day Wishes.

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